The Operations Management Entrepreneurship Association (OMEA) encourages *faculty, students, and*
*practitioners *interested in *operations management, supply chain management, logistics, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development *to submit Full-Length Papers, Research-in-Progress papers, Panels and Symposia, and Practitioner & Student Forum works for review for possible presentation and publication at the March 2010 meeting in Chicago, held in conjunction with the 43^rd Annual Meeting of the MBAA International. Presentations of all types will start at 1:30 PM, Wednesday, March 24 and conclude at 4: 15 PM, Friday, March 26, 2010
Operations Management & Entrepreneurship Association
2010 Conference
Conference Theme: No theme this year
March 24 - 26, 2010
Drake Hotel - Chicago, IL
Call for Papers
Submission Deadline: November 7, 2009
*Distinguished Paper Awards * Award is sponsored by McGraw-Hill/Richard D. Irwin, Inc. or by OMEA.
*Best Student Submission *- one best student work will be selected for this award. The author(s)will be recognized. Award determined by referees. Award sponsored by OMEA.
Preconference session: OMEA hopes to schedule an activity on Tuesday afternoon with the Association for Operations Management (formerly APICS).
Operations Tour of Casino: OMEA is working at scheduling an operations tour of a lake front casino on Friday morning. The tour bus would return before the formal closing of the conference.
*Competitive Full-Length Papers *make up the core of the conference program and are organized into concurrent sessions, each of which will constitute three to four papers; each paper not to exceed 10 single-spaced pages.
*Research-in-Progress Papers *may be submitted as papers or detailed abstracts, describing an ongoing research project or study of interest.
*Panels and Symposia *consist of a chairperson/moderator and three or four presenters offering their perspectives. Opportunity should be provided for audience discussion and engagement.
*Practitioner and Student Forum *highlights submitted works relating to a particular topic relevant to all conference attendees. The forums can be regular paper and research-in-progress sessions or panel and symposia sessions with three to four presenters presenting an applied problem/issue while the remainder of the session is discussion of the issue.
Full-Length Papers, Research-in-Progress papers, Panels and Symposia, and Practitioner & Student Forum works are invited that address the conference theme ( TBA) /as well as other topics in operations management, supply chain management , logistics, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development. The MBAA will award a best paper award based on the theme of the conference.
OMEA is offering multiple submission tracks including:
Under the _Operations Management_ Track, papers and symposia are sought which address contemporary research on operations management, including new technologies, innovations, or issues in the Operations area.
Under the _Entrepreneurship_ track, OMEA is seeking papers and symposia focusing on start-up, teaching, or management of entrepreneurial firms; control systems; process management, financial management; outsourcing; business plan development, and rural economic development.
Under the _Supply Chain_ track, papers and symposia are requested in the areas of supply chain management, cross functional management issues, financial and managerial control, issues with small, medium or large firms as well as other topics addressing the realities and challenges in the management of supply chains.
Under the _Ethics in OM or Entrepreneurship_ track, OMEA is seeking papers and symposia focusing on ethics in Operations Management or entrepreneurship, “ethical or just” decision making in relation to suppliers, employees, customers, and investors, and ethics and the law.
Under the _Global Strategy in OM or Supply Chains _track, OMEA is seeking papers and symposia focusing on how Management can gain competitive advantage through strategies that build operational or supply chain performance to improve costs, quality and strategic position.
Under the _Case Studies in OM or Entrepreneurship _track, OMEA is seeking case studies for the development of teaching important or unique aspects of management and control in OM or Entrepreneurship. This track will combine with the Society for Case Research.
Under the _Sustainable Business practices for Operations or Entrepreneurship _track, OMEA is seeking papers and symposia focusing on how Management can gain a sustainable competitive advantage through strategies that build operational or supply chain performance to improve costs, quality and strategic position using community involvement, social responsibility and or ethical practices.
Full-Length Papers, Research-in-Progress papers, Panels and Symposia, and Practitioner & Student Forum works will be accepted for review.
Papers and Research-in-Progress works should not exceed ten (10) single spaced pages. Proposals for Panels and Symposia must include a cover sheet with the names, affiliations and addresses, phone and fax numbers and e-mail
addresses of all presenters and a 1-2 page general summary of the proposed session followed by a one page abstracts of each individual presentation. Practitioner & Student Forum works would follow either the paper or panel guidelines mentioned above depending on the form submitted.
Papers MUST NOT have been presented elsewhere before the 2010 Chicago meeting or be under consideration by other conferences or journals.
The letter of transmittal with all submitted works must include for each author: (a) position, (b) affiliation, (c) mailing address, (d) telephone and fax numbers, and (e) e-mail address. Receipt of each submission and all communication will be sent via e-mail. Electronic submissions will only be accepted. Email submissions in Word format via attachment to John Simon at Governors State University <> . Submissions must include either the Paper, Research-in-Progress, Panel or Symposia, or Practitioner & Student Form work (following the guidelines above) along with a letter of transmittal (able to be detached from the work when printed, see above) and the work itself MUST NOT contain any reference to the author(s). Only Microsoft Word format will be accepted. Each paper will be double blind refereed. Papers receiving best paper awards will be published in the conference proceedings, along with all accepted and presented papers.
Author(s) MUST REGISTER for the conference and at least one author MUST ATTEND the meetings in Chicago to make a presentation of the paper.
*Send inquiries to:*
John Simon
Governor’s State University
1 University Parkway
University Park, IL 60466